NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Assassination Ward Locations | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Aug 6, 2020

Top 10 Assassination Ward Locations

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Art of Assassination Assassination is an art form that many champions can perform. Any champion with a blink or a dash can use these spots below, and some can even be used by champions without either, simply by waiting for unsuspecting victims to facecheck. However, these all require wards and aren't your simple bush facechecks. Check out our top 10 assassination ward locations below!

Art of Assassination

Assassination is an art form that many champions can perform. Any champion with a blink or a dash can use these spots below, and some can even be used by champions without either, simply by waiting for unsuspecting victims to facecheck. However, these all require wards and aren't your simple bush facechecks.

Check out our top 10 assassination ward locations below!

Middle Bush

Starting with your simple middle bush, this ward can be mirrored four ways on both sides in both directions. Players are generally wary of entering the bush, but for some reason are almost always completely oblivious to potential threats that can jump over the wall.

Baron Bush

Many players ward the bush that I'm currently standing in on the picture above when they're trying to do Baron. However, the ward shown here is far better and allows you to see both directions that potential enemies are coming from. This is also an excellent ward to kill supports in as they walk up toward the bush you're standing in.

Bot Lane Proxy

Here's a fun little ward that gives you the ability to see into the lane and golems without being spotted, even if that bush is warder by the enemy team. By standing in the corner shown, you can assassinate either the jungle or the bot lane as they're walking to lane without being in danger of tower range.

Red Buff Assassination

This one is an all-time favorite and allows you to take out unsuspecting marksmen as they try to get red buff. The smaller bush near mid-lane is generally seen as more dangerous to walk through, but players generally feel safe going through the lower half of their jungle, especially if the first bush is clear.

Blue Buff Asssassination

Here's another excellent pre-bush assassination that you can engage on before enemies get to the perceived dangerous bush. Again, players tend to be on guard when entering a bush, but aren't ready for an engage where they're not in line of sight of the bush.

Bot Lane Alcove Gank

This one's able to be mirrored top side as well, but the idea is that the alcove provides you an excellent hiding spot where you're not in a bush but still completely invisible to enemies.

Common Bot Ward Gank

More players are starting to ward over the ledge near the blast cone, but plenty still ward directly in this side bush. Smarter players tend to ward deeper into the bush or even in dragon pit, so this gank is very effective against players who are trying to stay safer. if the enemy team is pushed up far enough, you can also gank over the wall to the right.

Deep Ward Gank

This ward is excellent for when you're pushing into the enemy base but haven't quite made it past the turret yet. Here, you're looking to take out any would-be flankers like a Fiddlesticks or a Kennen trying to engage much like you're doing over the wall in the opposite direction.

Big Wall Base Exit

This is a fun one depending on how many gap closers you have. Few people expect to be assassinated over this massive wall, but certain characters like Leblanc can easily jump over it and kill enemy champions. If you're fed enough, you can jump over this wall AND the base wall.

Base Exit Corner

This is a bit of an intellectual juke. You ward the base exit and also drop a pink in the common gank bush, but stand around the corner so they can't see you. This allows you to escape quickly if they bring too many allies, but also avoid sweepers while simultaneously seeing very far ahead.

Like these spots? Got more of your own? Comment below!

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