NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Report: Duskblade Miss Fortune | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 30, 2016

FOTM Report: Duskblade Miss Fortune

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After Lucian's enormous success with Youmuu's Ghostblade and Black Cleaver, many summoners are looking around for the next "big thing" when it comes to marksman, and the latest from Korea brings us Duskblade Miss Fortune.

This build allows for excellent dueling power as well as AOE armor shred via her ultimate. Her damage is a bit lower compared to a traditional marksman build, but this method gives much stronger chase and teamfight potential. Check out the details below!


After Lucian's enormous success with Youmuu's Ghostblade and Black Cleaver, many summoners are looking around for the next "big thing" when it comes to marksman, and the latest from Korea brings us Duskblade Miss Fortune.

This build allows for excellent dueling power as well as AOE armor shred via her ultimate. Her damage is a bit lower compared to a traditional marksman build, but this method gives much stronger chase and teamfight potential. Check out the details below!

How to Play
RunesAttack Damage Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, 6 Scaling CDR Blues, 3 Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 18-12-0, Deathfire Touch Masteries
Abilities: Q, W, E then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Core Items: Duskblade of Drakthar, Berserker's Greaves, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Black Cleaver, Edge of Night, Last Whisper

Why It Works

Extremely Strong, Gold Efficient Early Game
Duskblade and Youmuu provides early game CDR and Lethality, which Miss Fortune can make great use of by amplifies her trademark chasing power and spammable poke moves.This allows her to outtrade almost every other marksman, especially since her early game is already incredibly strong to begin with.

Easy 40% CDR
An extremely spell-reliant champion early to mid game, Miss Fortune receives a TON of benefit from cooldown reduction. This build gets her to 40% extremely quickly, resulting in more double-ups and a game-changing Miss Fortune ultimate in every team fight.

Powerful Lethality Mid-Game
By building Black Cleaver early, Miss Fortune can quickly reduce an entire team's armor via her ultimate, quickly buffing her own damage and also allowing the rest of her team to magnify their AD damage as well.

Amazing 1v1 Dueling Power
The duskblade in this build allows Miss Fortune extremely high dueling potential. Additionally, as a champion with essentially no skillshots, her damage is guaranteed to land. This leaves little room for champions like Lucian and Ezreal to outplay.

Potential Pitfalls

Weaker Sustained Damage Late Game
As a result of reduced amount of critical chance and attack speed in this build, Miss Fortune ends up doing less damage at six items, which can spell trouble against extremely tanky teams. However, this can easily be made up for by snowballing early to mid game.

Lower Waveclear
Some Miss Fortunes like to build Statikk Shiv. Although it's by no means a necessary core item on her, picking the build above rather than an early Shiv does reduce her waveclear significantly.

No Enhanced Range
One of the most popular marksman items is Rapid Fire Cannon, which doesn't make an appearance in this build. By neglecting this item, Miss Fortune's ability to bully enemies and kite at long range is diminished, which again reduces her late game potential.


The Miss Fortune build above definitely highlights the awesome gold efficiency of Youmuu's Ghostblade and Black Cleaver. Although this itemization trades off a lot of Miss Fortune's late game power for a stronger early to mid-game, it works well with her. As a classically early to mid-game bully anyway, Miss Fortune really does not miss much by swapping away from a hyper carry build to play to her strengths,

Suggested Rating: God Tier

What do you think about Duskblade Miss Fortune? Comment below!

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