NERFPLZ.LOL Top Team Comps #75: Anti-AD Comp | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Feb 3, 2016

Top Team Comps #75: Anti-AD Comp

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If you end up facing a heavy AD-based team, this team comp will almost certainly maul them with their extremely high amount of mobility, CC, and damage mitigation. However, this team still does surprisingly well against heavy AP compositions as a result of the sustained damage it puts out via double marksmen.

Check out more details below!

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: S
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: A
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: A
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A

Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A

S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad


Since I'm still catching up on posts through an insanely busy week at work, I figured this would be a good time to check out this team comp I was thinking about on my way back home. As you might have guessed from the title and the setup, this team composition is focused mainly on an anti-AD composition.

If you end up facing a heavy AD-based team, this team comp will almost certainly maul them with their extremely high amount of mobility, CC, and damage mitigation. However, this team still does surprisingly well against heavy AP compositions as a result of the sustained damage it puts out via double marksmen.

Check out more details below!


Ezreal [Marksman] - Blue Ezreal is one of the strongest marksman on the rift at the moment. His ability to kite and poke are second to none, and the added armor from Iceborn Gauntlet is a huge boon against any AD heavy compositions as well as 1v1 against the majority of other marksmen.

Quinn [Mid] - As one of the best post-6 roamers in the game, Quinn is at an extremely good state  in the current meta. Additionally, her nearsight on her Q allows her to trade well against auto attack reliant champions who are unable to fight back for the duration of the "blind".

Taric [Support] - As a champion that increases ally armor and decreases enemy armor, Taric synergizes with this team extremely well with their double marksmen. Additionally, he deals a substantial amount of magic damage, allowing him to work well against similar anti-AD compositions.

Rammus [Jungler] - The bane of all AD based champions, Rammus provides a strong front line as well as excellent primary or secondary initiation along with Malphite. His early ganks also make great use of the powerful early game burst and CC from this team comp, especially via their level 2 power spikes.

Malphite [Top Laner] - No anti-AD comp would be complete without Malphite, a champion that requires no introductions. As a champion that scales damage off armor, Malphite ruins any AD based champion's day.

Key Concepts

  • This team is extremely flexible and performs well with both all-in strategies as well as poke type strategies. 
  • Team fights are definitely preferred, as split pushing isn't as effective without a true bruiser on the team.
  • The synergy on this team works well enough that as long as the enemy team has at least two AD based champions, it is still very effective.


Countering this team involves high amounts of split push magic damage, as well as being tanky enough to survive through the initial CC burst.

Here is an example team that may succeed:
  • Lux [Mid] - As an extremely good duelist that excels at CC'ing straight forward enemy engages, Lux does well against champions like Taric and Rammus, who have little in the way of surprises. A good Lux can prevent otherwise simple engages, and definitely has enough burst to take down the back line before getting mauled by Malphite.
  • Zac [Jungle] - Arguably the strongest AP based tank jungler at the moment, Zac's excellent engagement tools and burst damage allow him to stay alive in the back line through the multitude of CC that the enemy team will hit him with.
  • Vladimir [Top] - A split push master with a high tolerance for pain, Vladimir works wonders against an armor heavy team composition. By forcing the enemy team to build magic resist against this triple AP composition, it also reduces the enemy team's diving ability.
  • Alistar [Support] - Alistar provides both healing sustain as well as counter engage to this team composition, a must against blue Ezreal and the amount of catching power the enemy team has.
  • Vayne [Marksman] - If you're going up against high armor and need someone to dish out the sole source of AD damage on a team, there are few picks that do better than Vayne. Her classic double wall slam combo with Alistar is also a time tested tactic that will serve you well.

What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!

Click here for more team comps!

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