NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #131: ASPD Janna Jungle | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Aug 5, 2020

Weird Picks #131: ASPD Janna Jungle

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Guide to Playing ASPD Janna Jungle

When you think of Janna jungle you automatically think, "how many times have I dodged today" but hear me out...apparently NA user Jenninx has dedicated their account to playing Janna jungle and while it's not exactly found him/her success in ranked, it's not as much of a full feed as you'd expect...let's dig into the pick and explore the mysterious world of ASPD Janna Jungle...

Check out the details on runes and builds below!

Sett Support Guide

Guide to Playing ASPD Janna Jungle

When you think of Janna jungle you automatically think, "how many times have I dodged today" but hear me out...apparently NA user Jenninx has dedicated their account to playing Janna jungle and accrued....over 6 million mastery points. 

While it's not exactly found him/her success in ranked, it's not as much of a full feed as you'd expect...let's dig into the pick and explore the mysterious world of ASPD Janna Jungle...

Check out the details on runes and builds below!

How to Play
Abilities: W, Q, E then prioritize R > W > E > Q (may be better to go 3 points in W then max shield)

Summoner Spells: Flash + Smite

Starting Items: Hunter's Talisman + Refillable Potion

Strategy: Clear three camps, focus scuttles and gank continuously

Core Items: Berserker's Greaves, Stalker's Blade Enchantment:Bloodrazor, Blade of the Ruined King, Runaan's Hurricane, Stormrazor, Phantom Dancer

Potential alternative items could include Statikk Shiv, Duskblade, Hextech Gunblade etc

Rune Setup

Primary: Hail of Blades, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Relentless Hunter
Secondary: Celerity, Waterwalking

How It Works

Built-In AD Scaling
Janna's shield provides her a massive steroid scaling boost. While this is generally better used on someone who has other AD scalings, it's true that she could use it too. By focusing in on attack speed items, this allows Janna to make full use of this shield scaling...for herself. Meanwhile, you can elect to max your shield after 3 points in W to speed up the process.

Massive Movespeed and Gank Power
Janna's built-in movement speed is massive and makes her an excellent roamer in the river. She's very difficult to catch and can simultaneously easily catch up to enemy laners during ganks. This allows her to be extremely effective early game despite a lack of a true gap closer.

Peel Utility Based Jungle
Most jungle champions are initiation champions but Janna is one of the few mostly defensive champions in the game. If your team already has an engage support like Leona and the enemy team picks someone like Rengar, Janna could in some a decent choice.

Potential Pitfalls

Low Damage
Janna in this form exhibits significantly low burst damage which makes her another ally that needs protecting, especially if she's autoing champions at short range. This combined with the fact that she has no AD scalings outside of her ultimate means that she's a pure auto attack based champion with limited late game potential.

Low Clear Speed
Even with a leash Janna's clear speed will be poor. As a result, she'll mostly be a gank oriented jungle much like Twitch but with weaker gank power. As a result, if you're unable to get good kill pressure off, she tends to fall behind very quickly.

Poor First Clear (and subsequent clears)
Clearing blue, gromp, and red is a struggle as it should be and if you get counter-jungled at red buff it's either a death or a guaranteed recall since you don't have enough HP to reset and need three camps to hit level 3.

Countering ASPD Janna Jungle

Play a real jungle champion


This build looks just as bad as it does at first glance, but out of respect for this brave soul with over 6 million mastery points on Janna jungle, we had to do this write-up to figure out how this works and what the heck is going on.

God bless.

Suggested Tier: Tier 4 (this is just as bad as you think, if not worse)

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