NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #113: Grasp Death's Dance Miss Fortune | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 30, 2018

Weird Picks #113: Grasp Death's Dance Miss Fortune

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Building this way is something that's certainly not new to League of Legends. Lucian's core build is BoTRK and Black Cleaver, so it's certainly not unlikely that other marksmen would work with this build as well.

As an early game superstar, this build capitalizes on Miss Fortune's strengths and augments her survivability, something that she struggles with as a champion with no escapes.

Unkillable Miss Fortune

Building this way is something that's certainly not new to League of Legends. Lucian's core build is BoTRK and Black Cleaver, so it's certainly not unlikely that other marksmen would work with this build as well.

As an early game superstar, this build capitalizes on Miss Fortune's strengths and augments her survivability, something that she struggles with as a champion with no escapes.

How to Play
Abilities: Q, E, Q, W then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Starting Items: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Core Items: Death's Dance, Blade of the Ruined King, Ninja Tabi, Black Cleaver, Bloodthirster, Mortal Reminder

Rune Setup

How It Works

Powerful Early to Mid Game
This build rushes Death's Dance, giving her one of the highest attack damage items in the game while simultaneously providing cooldown reduction. Cooldown reduction works beautifully with Miss Fortune as a result of her built-in attack speed, so it gives her higher offensive power than Bloodthirster.

Late Game Debuff Utility
Miss Fortune's damage notoriously falls off late game. However, this build gives her Blade for late game scaling and two debuffs in the form of Black Cleaver and Mortal Reminder, allowing her to have more utility than the lethality build and reduces her "ult bot" status.

Early Game Tower Push
Miss Fortune's early game is extremely powerful. This build gives her Demolish and Bone plating, allowing her to trade freely with enemies and to shove down the tower quickly. Witth the early lifesteal from Death's Dance, she can remain in lane almost indefinitely. Grasp also remains an excellent trading tool for early game fights where enemies cannot burst her down easily.

Late Game Tank Status
Grasp of the Undying and Overgrowth synergize well with Miss Fortune's trading patterns, and cumulatively give about 300~400 health per game as permanent statuses. When you combine this with Black Cleaver and Death's Dance, she's nearly unburstable and can kite most melee champions with ease as a result of her high attack speed and lifesteal.

Potential Pitfalls

Lower Damage Output
This build loses out on the standard lethality and offensive runes. As a result, her damage output is significantly lower if she's just free-shooting. However, she stilll reaches 40% cooldown with Death's Dance, Cleaver, and the rune. As a result, she plays similar to the lethality build, but with more attack speed built-in.


This version of Miss Fortune is a bit of a secret OP right now and I think could certainly catch on as the main build. It's not quite as dominating as the lethality build in a snowball situation, but if you see a lot of assassins and burst damage champions on the enemy team, this could easily be your go-to build.

Overall, it's also much more forgiving than her standard squishy builds and allows her to duel bruisers like Irelia and sustain through assassins like Zed.

Suggested Tier: Tier 1

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